How do we know this - because it has been hot for at least 3 days consecutively that's how! It might not seem much to you but after the (to say the least) disappointing summers of the last 2 years anything that approaches a summer is most definitely welcome.
So whats happening apart from that?
Well the warm weather has encouraged me to bring out the mountain bike so I can get to work without using the car and the motorbike both of which wind up being too hot inside (car) or too uncomfortable to have so many clothes on (motorbike) which means the mountain bike is the next best option, principally because the road bile is in for maintenance. The canal towpath makes an excellent way to avoid the traffic and is noticeably cooler than riding on the roads.
My work is keeping me very busy which is both good in some respects and stressful in others. When I moved into the IT field it was because I like technology and programming. The past few years have seen this being more sidelined for me in the organisation for which I work and I seem to be developing into some sort of management drone with no particular skills and shed loads of people who all seem to have some sort of axe to grind to cover the failures of their own departments. It really is the limit and it gets me down that people can be such back stabbing ................. well you get the picture no doubt.
I am one of these people that finds this sort of thing very stressful and it in turn rebounds on me in the form of depression to the point where I find it difficult to function normally on a number of levels, which again exacerbates the situation and plunges me further into a downward spiral.
Still the highlights of my life tend to bring me back - the bike rides, some calm weekends with my family and some good successful climbing ventures all seem to push the stupidity of other people back away from me and show me one thing, friends are a good thing. Look after them