Friday 30 August 2013

Great end to the working day too

Since I enjoyed the ride in so much and it cleared my mind I decided ti use the ride home to do much the same and metaphorically close the door behind me on the office.  The 14k ride home was tough going into the headwind but was worth ir for the last 2.5k descent down into the village. I then felt really relaxed and de stressed and was glad to get home. We followed this up by picking yet more blackberries for moee vodka production.

Great start to the day

I decided that since I had enjoyed my cycling during the holiday period I would cycle into work today and have a nice long ride in. So I did this and had a good solid 18k road ride in on a cool but fine morning. It has set me up for the day.

Tuesday 27 August 2013

Follow on from last post

I am not sure what was worse thw actual return to work and all the associated rubbish that came with it or the actual return. I had slept badly for the two days prior to my return to work something I do not do on hllkday. It was something preying on my mind all the time.
I think I am losing confidence in my own ability to do things.

Monday 26 August 2013

Post holiday blues

I always find the return to normality after a holiday hard to deal with. I am not sure if this is not some sort of sign that I am unhappy with the general day to day path that my life moves along,  certainly I am not sure that I am happy with my work and I feel unfulfilled which I am sure is not a good sign. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that I find so little time for myself and my relationship with my family dueing the normal course of things. Perhaps I need something to interest my mind. Either eay the next few fays will be a struggle for me to regain some sort of balance for my fragile mind.